Fatherhood & Family
Family life is changing, but dads matter as much as ever
Educational and labor market trends have transformed the economics of the family. In 41% of U.S. households today, women are the main breadwinner. But while educational and labor market trends have transformed the economics of the family, cultural changes around fatherhood have lagged far behind. The result is a national “dad deficit” that not only affects women and children, but also hurts millions of American men who are disconnected from their families.
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Research Fatherhood & Family
The State of Working Class Men
This report outlines the current state of America’s working class men and describes recent trends in the key areas of employment, earnings, health, and family.
Dads Rock: The Evidence
The evidence is clear: Dads matter; they are doing more fathering than ever; they bring something extra to parenting; and they want to do more.
Washington State Fact Sheet
A fact sheet on the challenges boys and men face in Washington State
commentary Fatherhood & Family
No, young men are not turning away from gender equality
But like many women, they have mixed feelings about feminism.
The dangerous myth of male incompetence
The myth of male incompetence is reinforced by low expectations. Emily Oster argues competence is learned, not tied to gender.
Melinda French Gates invests in boys and men: a new era for gender equality
Melinda French Gates is investing in boys and men, showing that the gender equality movement has space for men and boys without sacrificing its focus on women and girls. AIBM President Richard Reeves has been selected to direct a portion of these investments.
For a model of Muslim masculinity, maybe don’t look to the manosphere
Haroon Moghul explores using Islamic teachings to address the masculinity challenges among Muslim men in America, advocating for modern perspectives and using 'Umar ibn al-Khattab as a positive role model.
Why Washington State should create a Commission on Boys and Men
Lawmakers in Washington State may be about to lead the nation by establishing a bipartisan Commission on Boys and Men.
Some news I can’t wait to share: AIBM
Why I'm founding the American Institute for Boys and Men
Into the vacuum demons pour
Why neglecting male issues is bad for our culture and politics
Some news I can’t wait to share: AIBM