Black Boys & Men

Black boys and men face particular challenges

In a time where all boys and men confront new challenges in school, work, and family life, Black boys and men face particular disadvantages. We pay special attention to their needs and hardships.

We can see this systemic disadvantage across many measures. At every stage of education, from elementary school through graduation Black men’s outcomes are distinctively lower than those of white men and Black women. In employment, Black men earn less and are less likely to rise up the economic ladder than white men. As adults, Black men raised in affluent families have lower employment rates than white men raised in poverty.

In a given year, Black men earn approximately 30% less than white men.
Share of Black 4-year college graduates who are men.
The percentage point gap in high school graduation rates between Black boys and girls in Michigan.

commentary Black Boys & Men

Melinda French Gates invests in boys and men: a new era for gender equality

Melinda French Gates is investing in boys and men, showing that the gender equality movement has space for men and boys without sacrificing its focus on women and girls. AIBM President Richard Reeves has been selected to direct a portion of these investments.

May 28, 2024
Richard Reeves
a black and white portrait picture of melinda french gates

The Pastor, the Scout Leader, and the School Principal: How three Black men showed me how to be a man

Frederick J. Riley shares a reflection on his upbringing and the impactful role models who shaped his life. Raised by a single mother in challenging circumstances, Frederick and his twin brother defied statistics that often dictate a bleak future for young men of color.

Feb 23, 2024
Frederick J. Riley
A collage of Louis Skipper, Reverend Roosevelt Austin, and Robert Brewer

To Save Democracy, Help Men

Read about the link between why we should help men, political extremism, and threats to democracy.

Jan 5, 2024
Rachel Kleinfeld
The U.S. capitol building in grey scale

Why Washington State should create a Commission on Boys and Men

Lawmakers in Washington State may be about to lead the nation by establishing a bipartisan Commission on Boys and Men.

Nov 13, 2023
Richard Reeves
image of washington state containing educational themes

The math gap that’s not what you think it is

Plus: discussing loneliness with the Surgeon General and a landmark essay on masculinity

Jul 26, 2023
Richard Reeves
Boy in classroom

Some news I can’t wait to share: AIBM

Why I'm founding the American Institute for Boys and Men

Jun 30, 2023
Richard Reeves
young boy running

Into the vacuum demons pour

Why neglecting male issues is bad for our culture and politics

Mar 29, 2023
Richard Reeves
six male demons congregating and looking into the distance